Friday 28 June 2013

For Me, For You Etsy shop..


The ever adorable and completely sweet Kate Miss of the blog For Me For You has just opened up an Etsy shop. I absolutely love Kate's photographs on her blog. She has now taken her delicate hand drawn font and combined the two. Along with the weekly what what (original drawings), prints and booklets Kate will soon be adding jewelry. I want the I employ magical thinking print, just to hang by my mirror to remind me...Way to go Kate!



Thursday 27 June 2013

Elsewhere Judith Supine on Vanadalog..


I had heard a rumor that Judith Supine was moving to San Francisco, but never saw any of his work out. I am assuming that it was exactly that, a rumor. But damn, I would be really stoked to see his work on the streets of SF. The colors and images blow my mind and always stop me in my tracks in NYC. Vanadalog posted some of his newer work and I had to share.

The above photo is from Vandalog, and the rest are older work from Judith's flickr page.



Wednesday 26 June 2013

New Year New Beginnings Your Resolutions!.


image from Holly Exley (& she shared her awesome resolution blog with me as well on twitter)

It's that time of year. A new year. New hope. New leaf.Over the weekend I was really inspired by this blog post on Marc and Angel Hack Life. (Definitely take a minute and read it, especially if you'd like to be inspired and pushed to be a better person in 2012.) I thought to myself I'd love to hear what others are doing in their creative lives to "be better".So with the above blog post in mind, I decided to ask facebook and twitter:

What are you going to do differently in your creative lives in 2012?

The response was amazing!

I want to share with you below a lot of the tweets I receieved. There were so many! (You can see all of them on my favorites page. Twitter never ceases to amaze me, facebook, however -- not so verbose!) And it was a lot of fun.I heard so many wonderful, inspirational thoughts.

The thought I heard more than a few times that really hit my heart strings was:

Follow my heart, don't always do what I "think" I should do!

"Going to try to listen to myself more...and work work work."@sheilaforde

"I'm going to be painting from my soul rather then painting what I think I should." @Russty

"Drawing what I want to draw rather than what I think I should be drawing. And more of it. Lots more." @iainmmcgregor

"Trust my instincts, have a more positive outlook and do more than I think." @leecrutchley

I could totally relate to these. So often I get stuck in what I think I should be doing which ultimately takes away from my spirit and confidence...end product: not doing my best work.

The next big one I heard a lot of:Get out of my comfort zone and push myself!

"I'm going to stir things up, for my business and also as many other people as I can reach."@rena_tom

"Bigger Risks & More Spontaneity."@MWM_Graphics

" with other creatives IRL and put myself 'out there.' Can't spend all my time in the drawing cave." @paperbullet

"Not saying "no" for the other guy!Also interpreted as not setting limitations, giving up control of the outcome, permission to dream bigger!"@mythink

"2012: the year I forget what fear is." @erinkobie

Ahh! It's so important to push oneself to grow. Not the most comfortable thing to do. But sooo rewarding.

I really loved reading what everyone wrote. Each tweet was really touching to read. All were easy to empathize with and many I had to jot down to remind myself -- that yeah, I need to do that too:

"Work during the day light hours and leave the night for other creative pursuits." @Banquetworkshop

"I'm going to try to stop over-thinking everything this year and just create. I'll think about it later ;-)" @megancharland

"Keeping a sketchbook, staying positive, focusing on the process instead of solely on the end-product!" @meeralee

"I want to loosen up more in my art-making (and in all areas of my life) --being hyper-strategiccan mute creativity, it seems. Intention is helpful and good, but I want to dilute the impulse to over-control." @thestorialist

"less internetting, more daydreaming!"@erinloechner

"Going to write ideas down more, paint/draw daily, & experiment with new supplies, MAKE MORE and be open to new inspiration." @kbuzzy

"Read More. Travel More. Draw More." @vaughnfender

What are your creative resolutions for 2012? We're 3 days in, how's it going? Share in your comments what you have planned and how you are doing. I'd love to hear. Oh and happy new year! Here's to a productive and creative year!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Happy Owl Glassworks site update..


My good friend Tracy of Happy Owl Glassworks just recently revamped her website. It looks so rad, I don't know what it is about moss and the woods but I always want to break out my barbies and play. NO LIE. Ok, enough of that craziness, I love Tracy's delicate pendants, especially her new woodland series. Don't get me started on her night lights, perfect gift idea. I did a studio visit with Tracy last fall you can check it out here to see her in action.



Monday 24 June 2013

I never knew it would be the last

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Sunday 23 June 2013

Visit Ben Venom..


I visited one of my very favorite quilters a few weeks ago, Mr. Ben Venom. He's been busy at work on his most detailed quilt yet. Inspired by occult symbols and the Misfits' Where Eagles Dare, his latest quilt has over 175 pieces and 95 heavy metal t-shirts (his signature fabric of choice).

You can see the entire visit on Flickr and see my other visits here and here.

Ben texted me the above pic as I was finishing the post. Looks like the quilt is coming along!








Ben with friend Kevin Earl Taylor.







Ben also sent me a pic of the commissioned baby quilt he just finished. Mamma and Daddy have been in a few metal bands and these are their t-shirts. So rad


Thanks Ben! <3

Thursday 20 June 2013

lets get back to it then, shall we

DanO has gone into work exactly one day since December 19th. In 13 days, one day of “normal”. We have had so much together time and fun family adventures that I could fall backwards overcome with satisfaction at any moment.We ice skated.We went sledding. Or, pulling.We made whole family trips to zion Target. (OBrother was particularly stoked about this one.)We dressed up, sang carols, heard Great Grandpa read the Christmas story, and ate Swedish meatballs with extended family.LOTS of extended family.(Fun game: can you spot the triplets above? Two boys and a girl. Go!)We made forts and ate cookies in them.(Have you heard of WhoNu cookies? I saw them at the grocery store and they totally got me with their health claims – a serving of the chocolate sandwich cookies has as much fiber as a bowl of oatmeal, as much calcium as a glass of milk, and as much vitamin E as two cups of carrot juice. While I have no plans of replacing oatmeal, milk, or carrots with these puppies, I was pleased to find that the boys were none the wiser and were on cloud nine in their fort eating “oreos”.)We spent time being silly, wrestling, and playing with some of the Christmas gifts we were blessed with this year.We even sat down and purchased plane tickets for our trip to Disney World this February. (!!!!!!!!!!)Friends, it has been an unbelievable couple of weeks. But it has also been positively exhausting. This is partially because of our “seize the vacation” mentality, but partially because it just wasn’t our normal, you know? It’s hard to hit a stride when every single day brings something different. There is something so energizing to me about predictability.Wow, that sounds criminally boring. But it’s true. Well, maybe it’s not the predictability that is energizing, it’s the security I feel in knowing what to expect in regards to the events of the day, because let’s be honest, I never know what to expect from the boys.The boys and I had gotten into good rhythm of Monday, Wednesday, Friday trips to the YMCA – I had even gotten into a good workout rhythm of running, weight lifting, and spinning class. We have regular Thursday playdates, and Tuesdays we like to mix it up between staying home and grocery shopping.Today was DanO’s first day back in the office and the first day back to normal for us. We hit the YMCA, went to the grocery store, the boys took epic naps and tonight is date night.  I guess now that I write it out that sounds like a pretty mundane existence but trust me when I tell you it’s never boring.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

videos the lazy bloggers medium

Did I say  lazy? I meant pregnant. It’s hard to be qualified as lazy when you are, at any moment, participating in the creation of a human being, right? Right.(Now please go convince DanO of that.)For now, I’ll give you a little impromptu tour of our upstairs as it stood a few weeks ago. (Can I blame pregnancy for me not loading the video until now, too? K, thanks.)PS: O My Word how ridiculous is my smile in that still frame?! I embarrass myself sometimes.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

tomatoes a la can

My MIL (Mother-in-law, a.k.a. Friend) and I were talking about that O so common stay at home mom question:“What did I do today?”It’s rough, having a list of tasks that you’ll just have to rinse and repeat the next day. Everyday. For the long foreseeable future. Laundry, dishes, cook, feed, change. Shoot, even working out and showering are getting repetitive.So, what did I do today? A whole lot that I’ll have to do again tomorrow.Then my wise and thoughtful MIL/FRIEND shared something she did when staying home with my husband (a then-toddler) and OBrother (a then-infant. O did I mention she did the whole two-under-two thing?):“I tried to do one thing each day that I wouldn’t have to do again for a while.”The woman is brilliant. Amazingly high-energied and brilliant.And so the natural response to a challenge like that? Why we canned tomatoes of course!11 one-quart jars of tomatoes. It was wonderful and I had no idea what I was doing, but now I could can with the best of them!But not tomorrow. Or for a very long time.To answer the question of what I did today last week:I took 20 pounds of organic tomatoes that I special ordered from our crop-share farm…Performed all sorts of domestic arts on them (as instructed by MIL/FRIEND)…And ended up with enough gorgeous cans of tomatoes to last us the winter…Which the Farmer’s Almanac tells me is going to be one of the coldest on record (global what-ing?). I tell you this so that you can prepare now for the moaning and complaining that will fill this page come February. You have been warned.But hey. We’ll have tomatoes.

Monday 17 June 2013

New Work Amanda Smith..


Dance, ceramic with glaze and oil paint, 12”h x 12.5”w x 1” d, 2009.

Recently I met up with Amanda Smith and her husband Casey Jex Smith out at Guerrero Gallery, where Casey had work in the most recent show there, Weight Perception. I was delighted to get to meet them both in person. Charming as they are via email, it was nice to chat with them both. I had recently seen newer work of Amanda's at the SF Art Fair and asked if she would send over new work to post. Her candy colored ceremic pieces look like ornate cakes to me, and her newer work is dripping with adornment. What I admire most about Amanda's work is the dynamicism within each piece; her pairing of traditional craft with her many inspirations gives the viewer so much to dive into.

"My work involves fables drawn from both personal experience and observation. Through metaphor, these narratives explore questions of social hierarchies, human interactions and humans’ moral agency. The little girls that inhabit these pieces are the product of my experience growing up in a hyper-feminine household with my mother and three sisters.

My penchant for flat painting as well as the stylization of elements in my work comes from my love of historic religious narrative painting the world over, most notably Persian, Mughal and Rajasthani Indian manuscript and miniature paintings.

Painting with ceramic mediums has allowed me to make archival, singular, handmade art objects.  This has become increasingly important to me as everything from communication to clothing in contemporary culture is becoming ephemeral, mass-produced and/or disposable. Additionally, ceramics offers a unique palette of surfaces and textures. I am really interested in employing traditional decorative techniques like decaling, sprigging, lustering, lace-draping and china painting.  I love how these techniques offer my work a classically ceramic, candy-coated aesthetic."

I can totally relate to Amanda's mention of everything becoming disposable. I appreciate her urge to want to create something long lasting and beautiful. Which she completely captures.


Dance, detail.


The Sweetness of Folly, ceramic, glaze, oil paint and gold luster, 24”h x 18”w x 1”d, 2009.


The Sweetness of Folly, detail.


Hot Punch, 18"h x 21.5"w x 1/2"d


Oakland Temple Float, 21"h x 17" w x 1"d.


Dinner Party, 18" x 18.5" x 1"


Dinner Party, detail.

Sunday 16 June 2013

A visit with Nipper..

Anyone remember this dog????? Even though I am too young to remember the first advertisements.. I know who he is and what he stands for.. (wow ..that sounded churchy!) But did you know his name was Nipper??? I didn’t.. until I read it on his collar… This AMAZING dog joined us at work today. And I couldn’t stop petting this 3 foot tall Nipper…
A co-worker bought it off the Internet for her husband for fathers day, and had one of our drivers pick it up in Rock Springs for her. It is a terribly endearing story. He husband has a picture from when he was 2 years old, standing out side an RCA story next to Nipper. A Nipper that looks EXACTLY like this one. He has no idea she got this for him..
I couldn’t wait for Miles to get there today to see the puppy.. His eyes got so big as I lowered him down.. (Yes.. I do realize my child looks homeless in these pictures.. We have just given up on the hair…)
After loving Nipper, he got to go for a ride…

This dog made our office a whole different place today. You couldn’t help but smile as you walked past him. The truck driver that brought him back put him in the passenger seat of his cab looking out the window and even took a picture for my co-worker of Nipper’s Journey! He says he got A LOT of strange looks on the way back! :) I wish we had a Nipper everyday…. My heart just melted for the giant chunk of plastic! :)

Friday 14 June 2013

Veng RWK New Website..


Ok, I lied...the turbulence is nuts on this plane and I can't just sit here, so blogging it is! Ha. Also, I have such bad ADD I can't sit still unless I am asleep. While I was white knuckling my the armrests on my seat, my friend Veng RWK hit me up on gchat to let me know about his new blog to catalog all of his work. So many good pieces to choose from, they instantly allayed my fears of the plane blowing up. Enjoy!




Thursday 13 June 2013

allisons epic haircut

I love when my real life thoughts and dealings are played out in dream scenarios. In real life, I made hair appointments for myself and friend C for this weekend, and apparently I’m having a little anxiety about how my hair experience will go (read: if I will end up Dora-tastic again), which has resulted in a series of salon-set dreams lately.Tyra and MeSetting: Lobby of a fancy looking Aveda Salon and SpaScene 1: Friend C and I are there checking in for our going-to-be-fabu haircuts, and the receptionist calls back to our stylists to come meet us. My stylist comes out first and we begin talking about the type of cut I want. When I describe to her the length and the amount I want cut off, she pulls a pair of scissors out of her little stylist tool belt/apron thing and without warning, grabs my hair and cuts it off above my chin. I vividly remember looking down at a 4 in long ponytail on the ground of the lobby.Scene 2: Enter: Tyra Banks, Salon Owner and Manager. (This is the part where I try to deny that I’ve been watching America’s Next Top Model and that’s why she of all celebrities would have a cameo in my dream.) Tyra asks me what kind of cut I think I’m going to get. I describe to her the same thing I said to my stylist, and she then tells me that my hair is far too short for that cut, and that I should have thought of that before I came. The stylist stands there next to Tryra in snobbish concurrence. I point out the ponytail, at which point Tyra snaps her fingers and a very short worker scuttles in, promptly sweeping it away (Aveda has Umpa Lumpas?). Friend C who has witnessed the whole thing is now speaking up for me that I had long enough hair before crazy-psycho stylist lady hacked it off. A heated debate ensues, and I end up leaving without ever sitting in a spiny salon chair.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

lisa congdon love me not..


Lisa Congdon sent over a sneak peek of work that will be on display in her show Love Me Not: A Valentines Show.

In Love Me Not, I explore both the traditional decor and subject matterof Valentines from the Victorian Era (now nearly obsolete), along withcommon Valentines sentiments and proclamations. In some cases I havetaken the gaudy decoration and purposefully toned it down to be moreaustere to play with the viewers sensibilities. The pieces are intendedto be interpreted by each viewer however he likes depending on hislevel of cynicism. The show features 12 shadowboxes, drawings andgouache paintings.

The saying "Forever More", never seemed so beautiful and bittersweet to me. Love Me Not opens on Thursday at The Bell Jar in San Francisco.





Saturday 8 June 2013

26 weeks in picture form

I’m not going to lie.

The evolution of the bump cracks me up. I felt HUGE at 9 weeks and tiny now. It sure gets bigger and smaller and bigger and smaller.

I CAN’T WAIT until it’s big and round and Chuck’s mom can feel him kicking from the outside. I’ve tried a couple times to get his big movements recorded for them, but the second I get my phone turned on he stops. Silly kid.

I cant wait to add (at least) 14 more pictures to this!
(maybe then I’ll just pick one for each month)

Friday 7 June 2013

Coral Silverman at Fontanelle..


Coral Silverman's show Real Life and Other Myths opens tonight at Portland's own Fontanelle Gallery. On display will be her delicate grass books (wow!) and her gouache paintings where deer and cell phones live together in perfect harmony. Not in PDX? You can see all the work online here.




